Friday, February 8, 2013


As I write this, it sounds like I am entertaining the whole WWE circuit. I had plans to catch up on housework and start some seeds today. Nope, Nada, NOT going to happen…..  Because we had a SNOW DAY!  The wrestle mania howls, shrieks, body slams and bellows are my three yahoos. So between loads of laundry and refereeing, I pulled up a play-dough recipe on Pinterest. Success! Not only did my Hulk-O-Manias stay busy, but we came up with a few craft ideas for decorating their rooms. We made "fossils" with their favorite plastic animals. I plan to put them in a picture frame. The recipe was simple. We even “baked” ours to dry them out for painting.
Homemade Play-Dough

2 ½ c. Flour

2 TBSP Cream of Tartar

½ c. Salt

1 ½ c. Boiling Water

1 TBSP Oil

I put the tea kettle on as I mixed the dry ingredients. Used my Kitchen Aide with the paddle attachment and viola….. ready to use play-dough. I did not color this batch. You can use any food coloring. There were several recipes that used Kool- Aid or Jell-O to scent and color on Pinterest.  I will definitely use this again. Could be good activity for a rainy day.